Privacy Policy

Last Modified: March 2021

Our services are not intended for anyone under 18 years of age (minor). We have systems, processes, and checks in place to ensure that we do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 18 years old.


Britt Fishing is a social network that enables users to get connected with “Brittany Oskey” and they can enjoy the exclusive content of Brittany Oskey. 

When people use these services they share some information with us. This policy sets out the information we collect, how we use it, and who we share it with. You agree and confirm that the lawful basis for processing your data is that by participating with our social network you have ​contracted with us​ and the processing of data set out here is part of that contract. To the extent that we have to monitor and control the use of our site, the basis for that processing is to fulfil a legal obligation.

If you have any questions about anything in our Privacy Policy or wish to complain then please contact ​​ We hope that we can resolve any query or concern you raise about our use of your information. 

Below we set out our policy but please be aware that:

  1. all content is monitored by third parties to ensure that the network is lawful and legal and not brought into disreputes;
  2. you will not provide or give financial information to us but to our chosen partners. These entities are located in the North American region.
  3. we will not transfer your data outside the North American region;
  4. we will not profile or make automated decisions that affect you. 

Users are “Fans”. An Admin posts content for fans to access. Admin determines the monthly subscription fee that fans pay to view the content.

Fans decide what content to view.

In this policy, the User refers to any Fans.

Information we collect

There are three categories of information we collect(Fan DataBase):

Information you choose to give us

To open an account and use our services you will disclose to us:

  1. Your name;
  2. postal address;
  3. an email address;
  4. a username;
  5. your date of birth;
  6. a copy of your passport and or photo ID
  7. your banking credentials
  8. Bio/about information
  9. Country

To make it easier for others to find you, we may also ask you to provide us with some additional information that will be publicly visible on our services, such as profile pictures, a profile name, or other useful identifying information. 

Be careful when you provide us information about you and others you know (this is likely to be personal data) which will be uploaded onto your pages on our network. Always exercise caution, as other users may be able to use that content for their purposes.

If you have any reason to contact us separately for example to discuss concerns with customer services then we’ll collect whatever information you volunteer for us to assist your needs.

Information we get when you use our services

When you use our services, we collect information about the content you have viewed or shared. For example:

  1. details about how you’ve used our services.
  2. device information, such as your web browser type and language.
  3. access times.
  4. pages viewed.
  5. IP address.
  6. identifiers associated with cookies or other technologies that may uniquely identify your device or browser
  7. reporting or violation flags
  8. location

How we use information with others

We use this information to ensure that the content can be enjoyed by everyone. Our objective is to strive to keep the content appropriate, tasteful, and lawful. Here are some of the ways we do that:

How we share information

We may share information about you in the following ways:

With other Users. We may share the following information with other Users:

– comply with any valid legal process, governmental request, or applicable law, rule, or regulation. investigate, remedy, or enforce potential Terms of Service violations.

– protect our, our users’ or others’ rights, property, and safety.

– detect and resolve any fraud or security concerns.

Third-party content and integrations

At present we do not offer these.

Analytics and advertising services

At this time we do not let other companies collect information about how you use our products and services.

How long we keep your content

We want you to be in control of your information. You can delete any content when you want. If you close the account the personal data we hold about you will be deleted after six months. This paragraph satisfies the provisions of Article 13(2)(b&c) GDPR. To the best of our knowledge, this complies with all.